alulite scaffolding 01

01 scaffolding components

Lay out the braces where the scaffold is to be errected: Two(2) Horizontal Braces (yellow)
One(1) Plan Brace (red)

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02 scaffolding base frame

Stand one(1) base frame upright, lock the castors and attach the horizontal braces (yellow) to the vertical tube as shown. Repeat the proceedure with the second base frame then attach the plan brace (red) to square the unit.

alulite scaffolding 01

03 scaffolding diagonal braces

Connect two(2) diagonal braces (blue) to either side of the structure and level unit by adjusting screw jacks. Note: 0.75m wide scaffold has one(1) diagonal brace (blue) per side.

alulite scaffolding 01

04 scaffolding platform

Place a single platform in position at the 1.6m level.

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05 scaffolding upper frames

Connect to each 1.6m upper frame the guard rail frame and stand up against the tower at each end.

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06 scaffolding guard rail frame

Climb up onto the platform at 1.6m and then lift and place into position both frames. Now fit two(2) diagonal braces (blue) per side, within the 1.6m frames.

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07 scaffolding SAF hatch platform

Standing on the platform at 1.6m, now install one(1) standard platform and one(1) safe-hatch platform at the 3.6m level.

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08 scaffolding access ladder

Install the access ladder so that it protrudes through the safe hatch to the top of the guardrail.

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09 scaffolding guard rail bracing

Climb ladder and then fit guard rail bracing.

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10 scaffolding toe boards

Install kick boards

alulite scaffolding 02

11 large scaffold outrigger

If using the scaffold in an exposed area (outside) then the platform height should not exceed two(2) times the least base dimension. Outriggers can be attached to increase the base dimension, inturn allowing the platform to be raised accordingly.

Use single outriggers if working against a building or structure.

alulite scaffolding 01

12 large scaffold outrigger

If using the scaffold in an sheltered area (inside) then the platform height should not exceed three(3) times the least base dimension. Outriggers can be attached to increase the base dimension, inturn allowing the platform to be raised accordingly.

Use double outriggers if working in an open area away from a building or structure.


Download printable Scaffold
Assembly Instructions (400KB PDF)